Educational Drone Community

Drone Education Magazine

Keeping the Drone Education Professional Up-To-Date

Monthly Updates

Monthly Publications

Check out each of our Monthly Issues linked below

Most Current

Available July 2023

  • FAA TRUST UAS Process

  • SkillsUSA 2023 Drone Competition

  • Free Drone Curriculum Option

  • and More...


October 2023

Preview of possible content from the upcoming publications. This is just a snapshot (teaser), the issue and cover may change prior to publication.


January 2024

We are still working on content for the upcoming January issue and beyond. Please submit your ideas or offers to collaborate below.


Archived Magazine

We can't wait to have an entire year of magazines archived and all of your contributions included. As of now, we are new so not much to see here.

Your opportunity to share

submit your request or collaboration ideas below

Our goal is to allow for all the professionals to collaborate and share. Unfortunately, we cannot share everything in one issue. If you are interested in contributing to the digital publication of the magazine please submit your idea below. You are also welcome to join the social media outlets and pages to share your content as well.
Name E-mail What type of user are you? What type of request do you have? Message Submit